

Nonviolent Communication

What is Nonviolent Communication? A collection of articles and recommended teachers

Nonviolent Communication (nvc) is a communication model and way of life developed by Marshall Rosenberg. It teaches a compassionate perspective that transforms the relation with yourself and others. It is applied in prisons, schools, business and personal life to increase emotional intelligence, improve relationship, create connection and resolve conflict.

I think it is important that people see that spirituality is at the base of Nonviolent Communication, and that they learn the mechanics of the process with that in mind. It’s really a spiritual practice that I am trying to show as a way of life.

- Marshall Rosenberg

Read my introduction or visit levenincompassie.nl for coaching and workshops.

My articles

I’ve written in dutch about Nonviolent Communication:

International NVC Trainers:

Friends in the Netherlands:

Further resources

  • [TEDx Talk)
  • [book): The official book is a great introduction.
  • [YouTube)
  • [YouTube)
  • Mediate your life: Their Training Manual features succinct and powerful maps to practice Nonviolent Communication and navigate various situations. Highly recommended for trainers. Their book series provide an excellent job in explaining the maps in the Training Manual step by step.
  • Compassion Course: A global and yearlong course in compassion. You receive an e-mail with theory and exercise every week, and you can connect with over 6000 fellow students using a private Facebook Group.

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