Nonviolent Communication
What is Nonviolent Communication? A collection of articles and recommended teachers
Nonviolent Communication (nvc) is a communication model and way of life developed by Marshall Rosenberg. It teaches a compassionate perspective that transforms the relation with yourself and others. It is applied in prisons, schools, business and personal life to increase emotional intelligence, improve relationship, create connection and resolve conflict.
I think it is important that people see that spirituality is at the base of Nonviolent Communication, and that they learn the mechanics of the process with that in mind. It’s really a spiritual practice that I am trying to show as a way of life.
- Marshall Rosenberg
Recommended NVC trainers
International NVC Trainers:
- Yoram Mosenzon (my trainer, highly recommended): Connecting2Life
- Sarah Payton: Your Resonant Self
- Miki Kashtan: The Fearless Heart
- Robert Gonzales: Living Compassion
Friends and co-trainers in the Netherlands:
- Marianne van Dijk: Cup of Empathy (Videos)
- Cara Crisler: Crisler Coaching
- Kirsten Goedhart: Present Heart
- Astara Lieuw-On: Communiceren met compassie
Verder lezen
- Nonviolent Communication for Beginners - Kat Green: Introduction video.
- Demonstration - Marshall Rosenberg (YouTube): A wonderful example of what NVC can do.
- Workshop van 3 uur - Marshall Rosenberg. Marshall Rosenberg, founder of Nonviolent Communication, giving a workshop.
- Vulnerably Honesty - Yoram Mosenzon. TEDx Talk.
- Say What You Mean, A mindful aproach to Nonviolent Communication - Oren Jay Sofer. Lecture of an hour.
- Cup of Empathy. A YouTube channel filled with video’s
- Nonviolent Communication - Marshall Rosenberg (book): The official book is a good introduction.
- Peaceful Living: Daily Meditations for Living with Love, Healing, and Compassion - Mary Mackenzie: Every day a short story, example and practice you can do, so you can learn NVC in small steps.
- Say What You Mean: A mindful approach to Nonviolent Communication - Oren Jay Sofer: The mindful approach really helps to embody and feel Nonviolent Communication, which is where the magic lies.
- Mediate your life: Their Training Manual has concise step by step descriptions of the procedures to practice Nonviolent Communication. This makes it an excellent book for Trainers. Their book series is less concise but has clear theory and adds examples.
- If you can, take a training by Connecting2Life!
- Compassion Course: A worldwide course in compassion, based on Nonviolent Communication. Every week you will receive a lesson with a theory, a story and and exercise. Together with thousands of others you will practice, with the opportunity to connect through regular calls and an online forum.
My articles
I have written in dutch about Nonviolent Communication, in particular from 2013-2016 when I was hosting regular (biweekly) workshops.